Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Unconditional Love

Truthfully, I don't think in our human form we can really even comprehend unconditional love. We are so used to having our own agenda and motive. We often do good to get something in return or if we forgive someone we still wish for them to suffer harsh consequences for what they have done to us.

Have you thought about God and how he loves us? It amazes me every day. When you think of his holiness, his lordship, his perfect ways, and yet he still loves us unconditionally. In John the woman who got caught in the act of adultery had to be thinking Jesus would want nothing to do with her. But how did Christ respond? He jumped in and defended her to the religious leaders and he did not chatise her. He wanted her to experience a better/holy life so he commanded her to go and sin no more.

WOW! Let that register today. God loves us in ways we cannot even comprehend. Just like the story of the prodigal son, no matter where you are at in life God is standing there with his arms open wide calling for you to come rest and find shelter in his arms.

Praise the Lord!


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