Friday, April 22, 2011

The Reason We Sing...

This is Easter Season. This is what it all comes down to. Why is it we can have joy in the midst of troubles? Why can we have peace when everyone around us lives in chaos?

The answer is simple. We know the one who overcame the grave! The cross was a horrible agonizing death, but we must realize, it wasn't the Roman soldiers that put Christ on the cross. It was the plan of God all along. Fortunately for us it didn't end with Death. 3 days later Christ rose for the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father the Bible says.

Take time today and thank God for the cross and the sacrifice he made for each of us. If you grew up in church you can get numb to it and not really let it sink in. I challenge you this Easter to focus on the cross and the price Jesus, the one and only son of God, paid for your sins.

Because of the cross, we can wake up each morning with a song in our heart and a reason to sing!

Praise the Lord!


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